Archaeologic finds in Mesa, Tempe connect the history of O'odham peoples' history to present day

Debra Utacia Krol
Arizona Republic
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Shane Anton stood at the mouth of a hand-hewn irrigation canal that dates back centuries before the arrival of the first European explorers. The ancient waterway, 10 feet wide and about 5 feet deep, sits in a small desert park surrounded by tract homes in Lehi, a neighborhood in north Mesa.

"Our belief is we've been here since time immemorial," said Anton, an Onk Akimel O'odham and a member of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, "and the need to farm was always there."

The 4,500-foot-long-canal at Mesa's Park of the Canals is a tiny fragment of a system that once spanned more than 700 miles along the Salt and Gila rivers, bringing life-giving water to Anton's ancestors, the Hohokam, or as the contemporary O'odham peoples call them, the Huhugam.

This section of one of the ancient world's great engineering feats also watered an extensive civilization that lasted more than 1,000 years. Portions of the canal system currently bring water to a thirsty metropolitan area.

A recent rediscovery and exploration of a large Huhugam site in downtown Tempe provides another link to the region's past and another connecting point in O'odham peoples' history to their present-day existence. Workers demolishing abandoned rails in downtown Tempe discovered evidence dating to more than a millennium ago, leading to an archaeological investigation.

Huhugam create region-spanning civilization

Most archaeological and anthropological experts believe the Huhugam began building their agricultural and commercial civilization sometime between 1 and 400 A.D., though that date could change as the science of archaeology progresses.  

A visitor to the Salt River Valley 1,000 years ago would have experienced a much different landscape, said Anton, who’s the historic preservation officer for the Salt River tribe.

Small villages sprouted on or near areas away from the floodplain. "You would see houses, pit structures, families that lived together," he said.

Canals brought water to farms, people and their animals. The tidy Huhugam created pits, now called middens, for trash disposal. The desert would have been much less disturbed and developed than today's metropolis.

"There would be bigger places, what they call the ball courts now, which I think are more like meeting places," Anton said.

Laurene Montero, a Phoenix city archaeologist at Pueblo Grande Museum, said there were 20 to 30 large village sites during prehistoric times and "countless other small settlements from the confluence with the Gila River on the west side and Verde on the east and along that stretch of river."

The museum preserves portions of one of the region's largest Huhugam villages, which Montero estimates had a population of between 700 and 1,000.

The Huhugam's lives revolved around weather, available resources and religious beliefs, how the ancestors married and had children, Anton said.

"We lived in harmony with what we had," he said. "We used what we needed as far as resources."

One resource the Huhugam relied upon: water. Since rainfall was just as scant as it is today, the Huhugam dug canals to bring river water to their fields and homes. Some canals were as much as 15 feet deep and 45 feet wide, and irrigated about 100,000 acres of fields.

"The canal system is very complex and intricate, and it relies a lot on engineering," Anton said. "It's not as easy as just digging point A to point B and hoping the water flows in that direction."

The waterways were excavated with human power and honed stone tools, Anton said, which called for a great deal of cooperation to build and maintain the system.

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Anton's ancestors grew beans, corn, squash, cotton and tobacco. They also cultivated agave, which they roasted in huge outdoor ovens known now as hornos.

The Huhugam also created pottery and baskets for storage or other uses, using natural pigments to decorate their ceramic bowls, water storage canteens, even effigies. Stone bowls, some with carved animal figures, were painstakingly crafted.

A Santa Cruz cauldron red-on-buff is on display at the Pueblo Grande Museum in Phoenix on January 20, 2021.

Ever mindful of using available resources, the Huhugam crafted awls, needles and hair pins from bone. They made jewelry such as bracelets and pendants from shells acquired from coastal communities. The shells were decorated using an acid etching technique that O'odham artists still use in contemporary shell pieces.

The Huhugam also interacted with peoples throughout the Southwest and what is now Northern Mexico and California. Traders walked or ran along trade trails, bringing items like exotic birds, chocolate, copper pieces and even mirrors from the south, shells from the west, turquoise and other items from the north and east to trade for cotton, baskets and other Huhugam goods.

Sometime in the past centuries before the first European explorer arrived, the Pee Posh, or People Who Live Toward the Water, journeyed east and settled alongside the O'odham people. They too settled both along the Gila and Salt Rivers, where they still live as neighbors to the O'odham.

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Anton stressed that the O'odham peoples — the Onk Akimel O'odham, or Salt River People; the Akimel O'odham, or River People, who live along the Gila River; the Tohono O'odham, or Desert People; and the Ak-Chin O'odham, or People Who Live at the Mouth of the Wash — have inhabited central and southern Arizona and northern Sonora for millennia.

Some archaeologists continue to use the term Hohokam in reference to certain time periods and peoples, but O'odham traditional practitioners prefer Huhugam, as it’s more inclusive of the rich history and traditions of the people they consider their ancestors.

Huhugam civilization changes

Somewhere around 1400 A.D., the larger Huhugam settlements began to empty. People migrated to smaller communities along the river. Anton said nobody is sure why this happened, but speculation ranges from disastrous flooding that damaged the canals to a prolonged drought, soil declines or even religious directives.

Surrounded by freeways, trains, and an airport are ruins of the great platform mound at Pueblo Grande Museum in Phoenix. The ruins are part of the Hohokam civilization.

Anton said the O’odham and Pee Posh peoples continued to farm and trade, incorporating horses for transportation and other uses after the first Spaniards brought the four-legged animals to Arizona. But the larger communities — the ball courts, platform mounds, homes and shade structures — faded into obscurity for several centuries.

New arrivals were intrigued by what the Huhugam civilization left behind.

"When Euro-Americans came into the area in about the mid to late 1800s, there were still standing platform mounds and irrigation canals and trash mounds," said Montero, the archaeologist. "People could see these things on the surface."

Those artifacts spurred archeological expeditions through the 1930s and 40s, she said.

A 1929 article in The Arizona Republican, the predecessor to The Arizona Republic, details Pueblo Grande's beginnings. It also refers to another site in Tempe: "An old and yellowed but undated clipping from the local press gives an excellent plea for the preservation of the Tempe railroad ruins."

Before laws such as the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act and similar state laws were enacted, it was common to raze or build over Native communities. This Oct. 30, 1929, article in The Arizona Republican (now The Arizona Republic) describes the Pueblo Grande Museum as "the only one of the many ruins upon which the city of Phoenix was built."

The settlers also found the canals and realized they could be repurposed. Some of the canals were dug out and put back to their intended purpose, while new waterways were dug to supplement the old ones.

Daniel Garcia, a staff archaeologist with Salt River Project, estimated that more than half the utility’s 131 miles of canals are repurposed Huhugam waterways.

"The American settlers and the Army came with the express purpose of digging out the ancient canals and bringing water in to irrigate crops and to provide those crops to Fort McDowell or to the Wickenburg community," Garcia said.

One of those waterways, the Salt River Valley Canal, was the first European canal constructed in the Phoenix area, he said. "It goes on to water a whole bunch of the Phoenix valley and is the reason there's a city of Phoenix now."

Many Huhugam sites were simply razed or buried beneath homes, businesses, roadways and farms, since no laws existed at the time to regulate historic preservation.

"Unfortunately, leveling standing prehistoric features was a common practice in the late 1800s and early-to-mid 1900s," said John Southard, historic preservation officer for the city of Tempe. "Indeed, Jack Swilling himself built his home, Dos Casas, at the location of a standing piece of prehistoric architecture."

Swilling is often credited as one of the founders of contemporary Phoenix.

Those sites are being rediscovered through redevelopment, roadway repair or demolition.

Tempe rediscovers Huhugam site

One large Huhugam community referred to in the 1929 article occupied what's now downtown Tempe from about 700 to 1400 A.D.

This aerial photograph circa 1929, with labels, shows the unexcavated Pueblo Grande platform mound and the prehistoric canals in the Park of Four Waters.

Like other Huhugam sites, it was either buried or destroyed by early settlers. Part of the ancient community was buried during railroad construction in 1895, Southard said. The Maricopa & Phoenix Railroad was abandoned in the early 20th century, but some tracks remained in the ground.

In 2020, the city began demolition of the old tracks and discovered what archaeologists believe may have been a gathering place or community center, Tempe Councilmember Doreen Garlid said. Structural supports suggested that the building was several stories high. Pottery and artifacts were also found.

"One area contained fossilized footprints, which was really cool," said Garlid, a member of the Navajo Nation.

That's when O'odham cultural officials were called in, as required by federal and state laws regulating cultural artifact discoveries, including burials. Anton said Tempe also maintains a good relationship with local tribes, which all involved in the project said made the excavation a successful project for everybody involved.

"The city was already aware of our sensitivities and our issues and what we believe," he said. "They worked very closely with us to know they were going to do the right thing, even though it probably was an added cost to do so, but it was a unique archeological find."

Anton said the find reinforced his ancestors' decision to build a community where Tempe was built.

"A good place to live is a good place to live," he said.

Shane Anton, tribal historic preservation officer for Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, stands in an ancient canal at the Park of Canals in Mesa. Hohokam created hundreds of miles of canals that supplied irrigation for their crops in the desert of Arizona.

The city also honored the tribes' request to keep the exploration of the site quiet until it was complete. That prevented artifact thefts and screened sensitive activities such as retrieving ancestral remains from public view, Anton said. Because that hasn't always been the case, the Salt River tribe developed new consultation policies for future discoveries.

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Now that the archaeological explorations are complete, the city will create a multi-use area with a walking path. Signs will describe the city that lay underneath the contemporary city for decades, said a Tempe city spokesperson.

Redevelopment is sure to reveal more Huhugam settlements and evidence of the Valley's first civilization, Anton said.

"We're finding more sites now because we're looking," he said.

Daniel Garcia, SRP archaeologist, is well-versed in the history of the Arizona canals. The Arizona Falls was created when a man-made canal crossed a natural 20-foot drop.

The first peoples in the Salt River Valley also have much to teach current residents, said Garcia. "I wish I could talk to one of the ancient Huhugam," he said.

"I think over a near millennium of running water through a canal system in the Valley, they learned a lot of valuable lessons," Garcia said. "And how many of those lessons had to be relearned by SRP and by the early pioneers who came here and settled this Valley in the 1800s?"

Where to experience the Valley’s first major civilization

Many museums and cultural sites are either closed or have restricted access due to the COVID-19 pandemic; please visit their websites for updated visitor information.

Debra Krol covers issues related to Indigenous communities in Arizona and the intermountain West. Reach the reporter at or at 602-444-8490. Follow her on Twitter at @debkrol.

Coverage of Indigenous issues at the intersection of climate, culture and commerce is supported by the Catena Foundation and the Water Funder Initiative.

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